
Autism all stars

Thor: Love and Thunder Event

Our incredible Avengers will be celebrating the release of the new Thor: Love and Thunder film on Saturday 16th July at Cineworld in Crawley! We’ll be joined by a wide variety of Marvel characters including those shown below, who’ll all be waiting to give you some brilliant photo opportunities, so feel free to bring your

Jurassic World Dominion Event

Join us on Saturday 11th June at Cineworld in Crawley and meet our friendly dinosaurs! We’ll be celebrating the release of the new Jurassic World Dominion film by bringing along dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes, including some very cute baby Raptors, all of whom will be waiting to meet you and pose for photos.

Autism All Stars Support Free Comic Book Day!

We’re joining forces with our friends at The Comic Shop again on Saturday 14th May to celebrate another Free Comic Book Day. The Comic Shop will be giving away a selection of free comics and there are several other things happening as well, so it’s going to be a busy day with lots to see

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Event

Our incredible Avengers will be celebrating the release of the new Doctor Strange film on Saturday 7th May at Cineworld in Crawley! We’ll be joined by a variety of other Marvel characters including Hawkeye, The Wasp, Black Cat and Thor, who’ll all be waiting to give you some brilliant photo opportunities, so feel free to

Autism All Stars’ Easter at The Belfry

Come and meet Peter Rabbit and our Fantastic Icons!They’ll be at The Belfry Shopping Centre in Redhill on Saturday 16th April, from 10 am until 4 pm. The Belfry will be filled with our fantastic Icons characters, who help us spread the word about autism acceptance every April. They’ll include Black Panther, Captain America, Iron

Dumbledore Event at Cineworld

Come and meet our incredible Dumbledore at Cineworld in Crawley on Saturday 9th April! He’ll be there to celebrate the release of the latest Harry Potter film – Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore – and will be joined by some familiar faces including Hagrid, Professor Lupin and even Mad Eye Moody. You’ll be very

Geek Retreat Reigate Grand Opening

Come and join us for thegrand opening of a brand new shop – Geek Retreat in Reigate – on Saturday 12th March! There are lots of great things going on in the shop including free milkshakes for everyone who turns up in costume, so put the date in your diary and we’ll see you there.

Autism All Stars’ Ghostbusters Return!

There’s another chance to meet our amazing Ghostbusters! They’ll be at The Belfry Shopping Centre in Redhill on Saturday 29th January, with Ecto 1, and a giant Mr Stay Puft too. The Belfry will play host to our friendly Ghostbusters, plus a full-sized, screen-accurate Ecto 1 and Mr Stay Puft. They’ll all be there waiting

Spider-Man: No Way Home Event

Our last event of the year will be a celebration of Spider-Man and the Avengers, so join us at Cineworld in Crawley on Saturday 18th December! We’ll be joined by our fantastic Avengers, plus Miles Morales, Spider-Gwen, Red Skull, Star Lord and even a Loki variant, who’ll all be waiting to give you some brilliant

Autism All Stars’ Comic Shop Christmas Grotto!

We’re joining our friends at The Comic Shop again on Saturday 11th December where our Avengers will be acting as Santa’s elves in Hulk’s Grotto. There are lots of great things going on in the shop including a visit from Santa himself, plus several other events happening in Crawley too, so it’s going to be