There are many different ways to get involved and become part of Team All Stars.
Each individual contribution, whatever the size, really does add up and helps us make the world a happier, more accepting place for autistic people and their loved ones.
Here are a few different ways to support us, so whether you have a lot of time to give or just a little, you can be sure we genuinely appreciate everything you’re doing.
Online Volunteers

Some ways you can help;
- Recommend Autism All Stars to people on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, You Tube, Instagram and other social networking sites, to help us recruit new members.
Full details here: OUR SOCIAL MEDIA - Start using our online fundraising options such as The Giving Machine, Amazon Smile, The Giving Lottery and Recycle4Charity (who donate money to us in exchange for your old inkjet cartridges) and most importantly, ask your friends to do the same.
Find out more here: ONLINE FUNDRAISING - Create a Facebook Fundraiser for your birthday or other notable event here:
FACEBOOK FUNDRAISERS - Sell items for us on eBay, either selling your own goods and donating a percentage to us, or arranging collections of donated items and selling them in the Autism All Stars eBay shop here: OUR EBAY SHOP
- Mention us in a positive way in online forums and chat rooms
- Share our links and pictures to help spread our message of positivity
- Spread the word about our upcoming events and raffles
- Details of all these ways to help, and lots more, can be found here: FUNDRAISING FOR ALL STARS
Media Volunteers

We therefore need volunteers who are willing to do one or all of the following:
- Contact magazines, newspapers, radio and TV stations and ask them to promote what we do
- Give interviews about how we’ve helped improve the quality of their lives
- Ask public figures and celebrities with an interest in autism if they’d consider lending us their support by becoming Charity Patrons
Volunteer Teams

- Quiz nights
- Virtual get togethers
- Fancy dress parties
- Race nights
- Bake sales
- Sponsored walks
- Dress down days
- Boot sales
- Discos
- Sponsored swims/slims/bike rides etc.
- BBQ’s
- Picnics
- Christmas Jumper days
- Raffles
Whether they’re online or in person, we’ll supply you with plenty of information about autism you can share at your events, helping you to host some great social activities for like-minded people.
Everyone can get to know each other, raise some funds and have fun while doing their bit to support our work.
Publicity Volunteers

At this stage, our main publicity campaign is based in Surrey, Sussex and the surrounding areas, so if this is where you’re based, we’d love to hear from you.
Publicity Volunteers are responsible for distributing flyers and putting up posters about our upcoming events.
Those with a little more time to spare also contact a variety of locations to arrange the display of our flyers, including schools, colleges, universities, doctors’ & dentists’ surgeries, homeopaths, osteopaths, offices, sports clubs, gyms, shops and hospitals.
They also make sure every location has enough flyers and are responsible for re-stocking them as and when it becomes necessary.
Event Volunteers

Event Volunteers help in all kinds of ways, including:
- Collecting donations for our raffles
- Baking cakes and cookies for us to sell
- Transporting goods
- Setting up and decorating our venues
- Running our stalls
- Directing the public to our events
- Stewarding and providing security
- Packing away afterwards
Corporate Volunteers

Some ways they help us include:
- Creating fundraising teams with their colleagues
- Asking their employer to match the amount of funds they raise
- Speaking to the people in charge of charity fund raising at their workplace about adding Autism All Stars to their list of approved charities, and recycling their inkjet cartridges for us through Recycle4Charity here: DONATE YOUR CARTRIDGES
- Writing to large (or small) companies asking for donations or sponsorship for Autism All Stars, and to others such as printers, asking for the donation of their services in return for free promotion at our events and online.
For details of how Corporate Donations and tax relief work, as well as Corporate Responsibility and Employee Match Funding, check out the bottom sections of our Fundraise page here: FUNDRAISING FOR ALL STARS
If you have any questions about volunteering for Autism All Stars, just fill in the form on this page CONTACT US and we’ll get in touch as soon as we can.
Please note that although anyone is welcome to raise funds for us, to be an official representative of Autism All Stars you must pass a DBS check, which we can help you arrange.