
UK Volunteering

Meet Our New Ambassador Dave Roper

Meet Dave Roper – Our New Ambassador  In any charity there are always unsung heroes working behind the scenes, and when you’re a small independent organisation like Autism All Stars, their contribution really does make all the difference in the world. Today we’re honouring one such hero – the incredible, unstoppable Dave Roper –  by

Aspergers, autism, Autism All Stars, autism awareness, autism acceptance, Autism Ambassador, volunteering, charity volunteering, UK volunteering, autism volunteering, volunteering in Surrey, volunteering in Sussex, Dave Roper, marathon running, world record holder, Guinness world records, fastest man, Help For Heroes, Stormtrooper Dave, Running Biker, Spider-Man,

Volunteer of the Year 2019

Announcing our Volunteer of the Year 2019 We’re incredibly fortunate at All Stars to have such a wonderful group of volunteers who help us spread autism awareness and promote acceptance in such positive and unique ways. One of our most dedicated and enthusiastic long-term supporters in this is the wonderful Elaine, so today we’re showing

Aspergers, Autism, Autism All Stars, autism awareness, autism acceptance, Volunteer of the Year 2019, Volunteer of the Year, Volunteering, Charity Volunteering, UK Volunteering, Autism Volunteering, Volunteering in Surrey, Volunteering in Sussex,