
autism awareness

When Laces Tie You up in Knots

If there’s one sound that’s guaranteed to strike fear into the hearts of autistic people across the land (and their parents too, of course) it’s someone uttering the word ‘shoelaces’. Now, I’m quite certain that somewhere on the planet there’s an autistic child who’s never struggled to tie their shoes, but I can honestly say

aspergers, autism, disability, diversity, parenting, psychotherapy, special needs, autism awareness, autism acceptance, autism parents,

5 Healthy Foods Your Autistic Child Won’t Eat

  If you’ve been parenting an autistic child for any length of time, you’re going to be very well aware of the term ‘food aversion’ and have plenty of experience of exactly what it means. If you’re new to the condition however then brace yourself, because we’re not talking ‘picky eater’ here, we’re talking full

aspergers, autism, disability, diversity, parenting, psychotherapy, special needs, autism awareness, autism acceptance, autism parents,

The Appropriation of Autism

Since, at 51, I’m officially an ‘Over 50’ – and really should be finalising my funeral arrangements by now according to the adverts suddenly appearing on my TV and Facebook feed – you won’t be surprised to hear that many terms used today are completely new to me. ‘Cultural appropriation’ is definitely one of them.

aspergers, autism, disability, diversity, parenting, psychotherapy, special needs, autism awareness, autism acceptance, autism parents,

Conversations with Crystal

So today I’m starting a whole new chapter of my life (excuse the pun) by becoming a blogger. It’s something I’ve toyed with for years but somehow have never found the time to pursue, but today all that’s changing and I’m taking the first of many small steps on what I’m sure will be a

aspergers, autism, disability, diversity, parenting, psychotherapy, special needs, autism awareness, autism acceptance, autism parents,