Striking Events are holding another Comic Con at the K2 Leisure Centre in Crawley on March 8th and we’re their Official Charity Partner once again. You can keep up with all the latest news from Autism All Stars on our Facebook page here: FACEBOOK EVENT The event is open from 10am to 4pm, and tickets …
Join us at The Belfry in Redhill on Saturday 15th February for a day full of Harry Potter fun with our incredible characters. We’ll be at The Belfry in Redhill from 10 am to 4 pm on Saturday 15th February, celebrating Harry Potter in our own unique way. Our amazing characters, including Harry, Lupin, Quirrell, …
Great advice for enjoying Christmas with your autistic loved ones, from Amazon Number One Bestselling author Helen Wallace-Iles. ‘Tis the season for sparkly decorations and festive music in shops; for school nativity plays, visits to relatives and the excitement of opening presents on Christmas morning.While for most children these things bring a sense of anticipation, …