The Autism All Stars Outreach Programme
Since All Stars was founded in 2010, I’ve given talks on autism and Asperger’s to a variety of groups, including the Rotary Club and St. John Ambulance, as well as support groups, schools, care providers and several County Councils.
I create positive, uplifting PowerPoint presentations tailored to each specific group, and present them in a highly accessible way. They’re followed by a question and answer session, and have been very well received by all my audiences.
What Are My Talks About?
Each presentation is slightly different depending on who I’m speaking to, so in the past I’ve discussed a whole variety of topics including
- What autism really is and how to recognise it
- The role of Autism All Stars in promoting acceptance
- Providing first aid to people on the spectrum
- Focusing on the positives of autism
- Navigating schools’ and colleges’ special educational needs systems
- Managing autistic meltdowns
- Career choices for autistic people
- And much more besides

What Do I Know About Autism?
I have a lifetime of experience of autism, not least because I have four children of my own on the spectrum, my eldest being in his late twenties and my youngest having just become a teenager.
In my professional life I’ve worked as a psychotherapist specialising in the treatment of autism spectrum conditions for well over twenty years now, supporting autistic people, their families and carers, not only as someone who’s read an enormous amount of books on the subject (and believe me, I have!) but also as someone who experiences life in a busy autism household every day.
What Are My Talks Actually Like?
My talks are lively, vibrant and animated as you’d expect, and my enthusiasm and passion for my subject is very much in evidence.
I use highly visual PowerPoint presentations to accompany them, with clear, colourful images and illustrations throughout.
My attitude towards the condition is practical, positive and above all compassionate, something I talk about.
I refuse to blame either parents or professionals for not understanding autism – no-one is born understanding it – so whether you know a little or a lot about the condition, or even if you know nothing at all, I’m sure you’ll find my talks both enlightening and entertaining.
On average, my presentations last about an hour and a half, and are followed by a question and answer session where I’ll do my best to answer anything I haven’t already covered.

Booking Your Own Presentation
If you’d like me to come along and speak to your organisation, I’m always more than happy to.
My speaker’s fees are as follows:
- School, colleges, support groups, universities: £75 plus travel expenses
- Local organisations and NGO’s: £195 plus travel expenses
- Businesses and corporations: £450 plus travel expenses
10% of my fees are donated directly to the charity in all cases
I have a laptop which I bring with me pre-loaded with my presentation. If you can provide a projector and screen that would be really helpful, but if not I can bring my own.
I very much look forward to meeting you and having the opportunity to spread the word about recognising, accepting and celebrating autism in all its forms.
Contact me here and I’ll be in touch as soon as possible