We’re raising funds to send autistic people and their families to THE HARLEQUIN’S RELAXED PERFORMANCE OF BEAUTY AND THE BEAST!

As you can see from the pictures, our families have been enjoying these performances for several years now, so we’re delighted that The Harlequin have a relaxed performance this year, even though their building is currently closed.
We’ll be offering tickets up to a MAXIMUM OF FOUR PER FAMILY with at least one of those people being on the autism spectrum.

The panto will be held in a Big Top in Memorial Park, Redhill – full details here: HARLEQUIN PANTO

The RELAXED PERFORMANCE of Beauty and the Beast will be on SUNDAY 17th DECEMBER at 10:30 am.
We’d love to send as many families as possible, so please chip in and donate anything you can spare.
There are two simple ways to donate – through this Facebook Fundraiser: DONATE ON FACEBOOK or directly through the website here: DONATE ONLINE
For all the latest updates on the pantomime and to answer any questions you might have, follow the HARLEQUIN PANTO link or check out this great Facebook page: REDHILL PANTO
Every penny you donate will go directly towards making sure autistic people and their families have a truly memorable Christmas, so feel free to spread the word to your friends and families.
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