Autism All Stars is based in Surrey in the UK, so the details listed as Local Help
are for organisations and support groups which are local to us.
If you live in a different part of the UK, or a different country,
scroll down to the National & International Help
sections at the bottom of the page to see links to national and international organisations
who’ll be able to advise you of the support facilities available in your area.
Where to Find Help Online
An excellent place to find (and advertise) products and services
that make autistic people’s lives happier and more fulfilled
is our Resources page on Facebook.
Where to Find Local Help
Autism Links – South East Region
Brilliant website offering links to autism resources and support groups across the South East, with lots of information and support in the Surrey area:
Surrey Local Offer SEND
Online hub for 0-25 year olds with special educational needs or a disability offering lots of information and support in the Surrey area.
Main site covering all SEN and disabilities:
Autism Support Page:
Learning Disability Partnership Board in Surrey
A whole wealth of information and support on everything from short breaks to advocacy groups run by this fantastic Surrey-based organisation. Well worth a visit.
Surrey Family Information Service
An internet, telephone and outreach service providing free information, advice and assistance to parents and carers of children and young people aged 0 – 25 years who are disabled or have special needs.
Disability Challengers
A fantastic Surrey- based charity offering clubs, play schemes, days out, weekends away and much more for children and young adults with disabilities.
YMCA Sovereign Centre
Slipshatch Road, Reigate, RH2 8HA
- Face2Face is a befriending project and weekly drop-in Parents Group for parents with a child recently diagnosed with a disability. Contact Sarah Barwick at [email protected]
- Yippee holiday playschemes and a Saturday Club for children with a disability or complex needs offers children with high support needs a safe and fun time. For children with less profound disability we have inclusive places on our mainstream playschemes. [email protected]
- Yip4Youth runs on Saturdays and during all school holidays, offering leisure time activities for young disabled people and helping them gain skills for independence. Contact [email protected]
Young People & Adults
- VBuddies a project to help young people with a disability take part in leisure activities. Young disabled people are matched with a young volunteer who will help them attend organised sports and leisure clubs, join in YMCA social events and outings, or just be a friend to go to the cinema or bowling with. Contact [email protected]
- Active Living is a new programme for young people aged 16-28 with a disability or serious health condition to take part in sport and exercise within their community and offers volunteer opportunities and accredited qualifications too! Contact [email protected]
- Friday Night Group is a Friday night youth club for young disabled people aged 16 to 35 who are active and enjoy sports, trips to the cinema or to hang out with friends. Contact [email protected]
- Gateway Award encourages the well-being of participants who have learning difficulties.
There are opportunities to socialise, increase independence, exercise and learn about how to live a healthy lifestyle and gain an award as a result. Contact [email protected]
Exercise Referral exercise sessions focus on the needs for people of all ages for those with chronic health conditions (such as heart attacks, strokes or mental health issues) or those with any disability. Contact [email protected]
Crossroads Care Surrey
Charity providing one-to-one care and support for children aged 0 – 19 years old with disabilities. Babysitting, Saturday clubs and domiciliary care are just a few of the services they provide to people all across Surrey.
Home Start East Surrey
Organisation offering support to families under pressure, in the form of help in the home, family and social groups.
Caremark Mid Surrey
This friendly company offer a wide variety of services supporting both adults and children with autism, Learning Disabilities, Asperger’s, Huntington’s, Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Based in Fetcham, they offer domestic care, companionship, advice and respite care, and much more besides.
Earlybird, Earlybird Plus and Portage – Surrey
The National Autistic Society Surrey Resources
East Surrey Leisure Choices
(for adults with learning disabilities)
Help for School Children in East Surrey
Primary School Age
Linden Bridge School, Grafton Road, Worcester Park, Surrey KT4 4JW
Tel: 020-8330-3009
Secondary School Age
West Hill School, Kingston Rd, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7PW
Tel: 01372-814710
Autism Outreach West Surrey
Primary School Age
Freemantles School, Smarts Heath Rd, Mayford Green, Woking, Surrey GU22 0AN
Tel: 01483-545680
Secondary School Age
The Abbey School, Menin Way, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8DY
Tel: 01252-725059
Where to Find Help with Education
Amazing resource for helping families through the maze of Special Educational Needs. Great stuff!
A free, friendly, independent and confidential telephone helpline for parents and others looking for information and advice on Special Educational Needs (SEN).
A real mine of information covering every aspect of the Special Educational Needs process.
Where to Find National Help

The UK’s leading charity for people with autism and Asperger’s syndrome,
providing information, support and specialist services for people on the spectrum and their families.
UK charity who commission, carry out and support high quality, independent research into new and existing health, education, social
and other interventions designed to help people with autism.
Organisation working to raise the profile of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults. Providing information and advice on diagnosis and treatments.
The largest national charity focusing on Obsessive Compulsive Disorders.
Providing information, support and help with diagnosis, while raising awareness of OCD.
National charity working towards a ‘dyslexia-friendly’ society. providing information, support, activities and training for teachers, families and organisations.
There are also some great resources here: GUIDE TO OVERCOMING DYSLEXIA
Nationwide charity working to increase understanding and awareness of dyspraxia among the public and particularly professionals in the health and education fields.
Charity providing information and support, promoting research into better treatments, and fighting ignorance,
misunderstanding and prejudice about Tourette’s Syndrome.
A nationwide membership organisation campaigning for improved rights for carers and recognition of the roles they play.
Offering support and advice about all aspects of caring.
Nationwide online resource for people living with special needs offering information on potential carers and support workers, plus advice on how to interview and hire special needs assistants.
Where to Find International Help